..if your parents have you for a reason, then that reason better exist. Because once it's gone, so are you.
A fire's a beautiful thing, right? Something you can't take your eyes off, when it's bruning. If you can keep it contained, it'll throw light and heat for you. It's only when it gets out of control that you have to go on the offensive.
Stars are fires that burn for thousands of years. Some of them burn slow and long, like red dwarfs. Others- - blue giants - burn their fuel so fast they shine across great distances, and are easy to see. As they start to run out of fuel, they burn helium, grow even hotter, and explode in a supernova. Supernova, they're brighter than the brightest galaxies. They die, but everyone watches them go.
There are always sides. There is always a winner, and a loser. For every person who gets, there's someone who must give.
A jewel's just a rock put under enormous heat and pressure. Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.
..true love is felonious.. you take someone's breath away, you rob them of the ability to utter a single word, you steal a heart... Once you're in, it's for life.
Why are terms of endearment always foods? Honey, cookie, sugar, pumpkin. It's not like caring about someone is enough to actually sustain you.
Did you ever wonder how we all got here? On Earth, I mean. Forget the song and dance about Adam and Eve, ... My father likes the myth of the Pawnee Indians, who say that the star deities populated the world: Evening Star and Morning Star hooked up and gave birth to the first female. The first boy came from the Sun and the Moon. Humans rode in on the back of a tornado.
If there was a religion of Annaism, and I had to tell you how humans made their way to earth, it would go like this: in the beginning, there was nothing at all but the moon and the sun. And the moon wanted to come out during the day, but there was something so much brighter that seemed to fill up all those hours. The moon grew hungry, thinner and thinner, until she was just a slice of herself, and her tips were as sharp as a knife. By accident, because that is the way most things happen, she poked a hole in the night and out spilled a million stars, like a fountain of tears.
Horrified, the moon tried to swallow them up. And someties this worked, because she got fatter and rounder. But mostly, it didn't because there were jsut so many. The stars kept coming, until they made the sky so bright that the sun got jealous. He invited the stars to his side of the world, where it was always bright. What he didn't tell them, though, was that in the daytime, they'd never be seen. So the stupid ones leaped from the sky to the ground, and they froze under the weight of their own foolishness.
The moon did her best. She carved each of these blocks of sorrow into a man or a woman. She spent the rest of her time watching out so that her other stars wouldn't fall. She spent the rest of her time holding on to whatever scraps she had left.
Let's name her Adromeda. Anna for short.
Andromeda? like a sci-fi book?
Like a princess.. In the sky, she's between her mother and her father.
Sad ending ... but really nice book!!!
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